Guardians Of The Galaxy Spoilers: 10 Ways It Sets Up Future Marvel Films

5. More Risque Jokes

One thing that has always set Marvel apart is its sense of humour. In the comic books the wisecracking likes of your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man were a welcome relief from the dour seriousness of Batman or the unflinching patriotism of Superman. It's a sensibility they've carried over into their movies, too, as each part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has worked as a tonic against the none-more-grim Christopher Nolan Dark Knight films and the tonally awkward Man Of Steel, where director Zack Snyder struggled to make the big blue boy scout super sad. Things started off well with Robert Downey Jr's Iron Man, who cracked jokes whilst shooting lasers from his hands and oozing the sort of charm only a true Hollywood star can boast. Things kicked up a notch with the Avengers, where Joss Whedon's of-celebrated dab hand with dialogue was on show with some genuinely hilarious exchanges between the superhero team, the pop culture references coming thick and fast. The Winter Soldier actually managed to get some laughs out of the mostly straight-faced Captain America and the film's dramatic story, whilst at times Iron Man 3 seemed like a full-blown comedy. That's what you get when you put Lethal Weapon writer Shane Black in charge. Guardians Of The Galaxy pushes things even further. There's not necessarily any more jokes than we had in the third Iron Man, but the sort of one-liners are very, very different. There's a ton of swearing, the brilliant Peter Quill middle finger seen in the trailer, and even an inspired dirty joke about blacklights. It's pretty filthy, all told. E xpect to see Marvel dabbling with adult humour as we go on, especially with Anchorman mastermind Adam McKay doing a pass over the script to Ant-Man...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at