Guardians Of The Galaxy: 10 More Characters We Want To See

1. Tony Stark

Guardians Of The Galaxy Moondragon Bug Cosmo
Marvel Studios

Era: Marvel NOW! Team

First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #39

Powers: Highly intelligent, Various Iron Man suits

Robert Downey Jr. in space - erm, hell yeah. With Downey Jr.'s cameos outside his own films being a highlight of any Marvel outing, isn't it about time that Tony Stark visited the outer limits of space? We always forget that the Stark Industries protégé was in fact a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, putting his sizable brain to use saving the universe. Plus, can you just imagine Tony Stark and Peter Quill in a buddy comedy to save the universe?

A brief member of the Guardians team, Stark joined when he decided that Earth was no longer safe without knowing what else is out there. With a snazzy new Iron Man suit ready for space, and some new A.I. ironically called P.E.P.P.E.R., Stark headed off into the unknown. His suit also contained Stark Omniversal Multitasking Software which allowed him to control his suits on Earth from hundreds of light years away, so we wouldn't even miss him. Tony Stark is arguably hot property at the moment, but if there isn't going to be an Iron Man 4, and with Hulk already heading into space, why not stick Stark in the mix too?

Whilst the current team of Guardians is just the right balance of fun and frolics, do you think the team needs to expand? Who would you like to see? Sound off in the comments below, and happy travels spaceman!


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap