Guardians Of The Galaxy: 10 More Characters We Want To See

2. Quasar Aka Phyla-Vell

Guardians Of The Galaxy Moondragon Bug Cosmo
Marvel Comics

Era: Modern Team

First Appearance: Captain Marvel (vol. 5) #16

Powers: Flight, Superhuman strength,

Brie Larson may be appearing as Carol Danvers in her own standalone in 2019, but it would make sense for Marvel to start introducing Captain Marvel now, and what better way to tease her arrival than by having one of her incarnations. It was Phyla-Vell, the fourth Captain Marvel, who is best known as a full member of the Guardians team, and her storylines make her an essential addition to the galaxy. Phyla is revealed to be a lesbian character, and not one of those ones that Marvel is too scared to do anything with - full blown sexual powerhouse. So began her long and complicated relationship with Moondragon.

Phyla lost her life when battling the villainous Magus, who slew her with her own sword, but it was revealed that Phyla and several other "deceased" Guardians were being kept in suspended animation. Although it would take several movies to establish such a story, it would sure be one hell of a cast reunion. Her resurrection from to Quasar to Captain Marvel, to Martyr also offers a Jean Grey/Phoenix style transition. What makes Phyla so influential is the fact that she even had her now (limited) run with her own title. Anyone that has that deserves to be included.


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap