Guardians Of The Galaxy: 10 More Characters We Want To See

5. Cosmo The Spacedog

Guardians Of The Galaxy Moondragon Bug Cosmo
Marvel Comics

Era: Modern Team

First appearance: Nova vol 4 #7

Powers: Telekinesis, Telepathy, Telepathic Cloak

After Planet of the Apes was done sending chimps into the atmosphere, it was Marvel's turn for the great animal space race. As part of the Soviet space program, Comso was the labrador/retriever cross who was launched during the 60s. In usual strange comic backstory, he was mutated into a highly intelligent dog with psychic powers. Now that little Groot is cute spot #1 there needs to be some competition, and as Star-Lord needs a man's best friend, get out the doggy treats.

However, Cosmo is more than just the "awwww factor" - as the Guardians security officer, Cosmo is an integral part of the team, and was also integral in forming a perfect version of the Guardians called the Annihilators. It consisted of Quasar, Silver Surfer, Ronan the Accuser, Beta Ray Bill, GladiatorIkon (Spaceknight), and of course Cosmo. What better way to act as an intergalactic war deterrent. If we are going to move forward with future instalments of the franchise, chances are that alternate teams will be emerging. We may have briefly see Cosmo in the first Guardians of the Galaxy, but we need him back - he's just so damn cute.


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap