Guardians Of The Galaxy: 10 More Characters We Want To See

6. Martinex

Guardians Of The Galaxy Moondragon Bug Cosmo
Marvel Comics

Era: Original Team

First Appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes (1st series) #18

Powers: Toughened skin, Laser beams

As an offshoot of humanity, Martinex was forced to adapt to the cold conditions of Pluto - that might explain his crystalline appearance, looking like a giant Frostie. Mainly I would just like to see if Marvel could pull this off, or if we would be left with another Emma Frost on our hands. His story is tragic, and has an element of Bruce Wayne to it as a strong survivor.

As a scientist, Martinex had been working on one of Pluto's moons during an attack by the reptilian Badoon species, then became the last surviving Plutonian after the slaughter. It was this that brought Martinex together with Vance Astro, Charlie-27, and Yondu to become part of the original Guardians. After an impressive run in the comics, Martinex left the Guardians to form his own group, the Galactic Guardians. They had their own limited-run series, but Martinex eventually returned to his roots as a Guardian. As a highly intelligent member of the team, Martinex could serve as a new leader, creating an interesting dynamic between him and Star-Lord. Having another alien on the team would also remind us of the outer space elements of the film.


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap