Guardians Of The Galaxy 2: 12 New Details James Gunn Just Revealed

8. Getting Howard The Duck In Wasn't A Battle

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Marvel Studios

You'd think, given the reception to George Lucas' preposterous, awful Howard The Duck film that the idea of bringing the character back in ANY way to the MCU would have been met with some resistance.

Not so, according to James Gunn. He says the studio were surprisingly open to the fact, perhaps because they're not idiots and realise the sins of other film-makers shouldn't be held over the character forever:

So will he be back? Let's hope so, even if it's just for another cameo. He's one of those characters - like The Punisher, like Ghost Rider - who need to be reclaimed by Marvel after previous abuses in their names. If that manifests first as a slow-drip approach to screentime, that's fine by me.


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