Guardians Of The Galaxy 2: 12 New Details James Gunn Just Revealed

9. Stan Lee Is In Again

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I mean, obviously. Gunn basically confirmed that Stan Lee will have a cameo - as expected - in Guardians Vol 2 in a round-about sort of way...

How long Lee continues to cameo probably depends on the man himself: he's getting old but his appetite for inclusion never seems to diminish, even if his capacity to do his own stunts might.

And no matter how coy he is, Gunn is clearly a fan of Lee's and it would be unthinkable for him to leave the old master out...

Infamously of course, Lee's cameo in Guardians was changed at the last minute, when Gunn decided it was too similar to another moment in the film. But it's still very interesting to hear what the original plan was:

"In the original cut of the film, when the Guardians enter the Collector’s museum, Rocket looks over and sees Cosmo the dog in one display case, Quill looks over into another display case and is surprised by a tentacle slapping against the glass, and Groot looks over and sees, in another display case, Stan Lee. In one take, Stan Lee just slowly turns up his finger, flipping off Groot."


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