Guardians Of The Galaxy 2: 8 Characters Who Could Join The Team

6. Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)

Instead of a lesser-known version of Captain Marvel like Phyla-Vell, perhaps James Gunn has been given permission from Marvel Studios to include Carol Danvers in his movie as means to set up the 2019 Captain Marvel movie. In the same way that The Flash debuted on The CW€™s Arrow show before spinning out into his own series, Gunn could write in a supporting role here for Danvers that doesn€™t give away too many answers about her origins. Leave that to her own movie. In the comics, she€™s an Earthly fighter-pilot-turned-astronaut who developed superpowers after accidentally encountering some powerful Kree technology. With links to the Kree and to Earth (and having had a brief alliance with the Guardians in recent comics), Danvers could fit nicely into the cosmic side of the MCU that Gunn introduced in his previous film. Even a cameo from whoever ends up portraying Danvers in the MCU (please Emily Blunt) would be enough to incite the internet. With that in mind, you€™d be surprised if Marvel Studios haven€™t already raised the idea of including her.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.