Guardians Of The Galaxy 2: 8 Characters Who Could Join The Team

7. Vance Astro

Vance Astro, AKA Major Victory, is endowed with the power of telekinesis, wields a Captain America-style shield, and heralds from an alternate universe to main Marvel Comics continuity. Therein, he founded the original Guardians Of The Galaxy that also included Yondu, who Michael Rooker played a version of in Gunn€™s first Guardians movie. Vance volunteered for his version of America€™s first interstellar mission. Because the trip would take a thousand years, his skin was covered in a copper alloy bodysuit that would prevent him from aging and he was plonked in suspended animation for the majority of the flight. The years that he did spend awake were enough to drive him insane, and his trip through space also gave him his powers. He formed the Guardians after completing his journey, having been beaten to the planet by many others (because the USA developed faster-than-light-travel in his absence and nullified the point of his mission). He eventually joined up with the likes of Star-Lord and Rocket Racoon. We€™ve already seen one out-of-place astronaut in the MCU, in the shape of Cosmo The Spacedog. Perhaps Gunn will run with this idea and pay homage to the original Guardians once more by bringing Vance Astro into the team.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.