Guardians Of The Galaxy 2: 8 Characters Who Could Join The Team

4. Cosmo The Spacedog

If you€™ve checked out a few episodes of Disney XD€™s Guardians Of The Galaxy animated series out of curiosity, you might think you know who the next member of the Guardians team is. Therein, Cosmo The Spacedog €“ glimpsed in Gunn€™s film €“ is revealed as a highly intelligent telepathic superhero hound that regularly helps out the main gang of Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Groot. However, despite the fact that the animated show presents itself as a direct continuation of Gunn€™s film, it€™s not considered canonical with the films. The writers have taken inspiration from Gunn, and Gunn himself isn€™t bound to incorporate their ideas into the filmic follow-up to Guardians Of The Galaxy. There€™s still a chance that this Russian cosmonaut canine from the comics could have an enlarged role in the Vol 2, though. In a team that already includes a tree and a racoon, it isn€™t too much of a leap to picture a dog joining the ranks. If the cinematic Cosmo has powers has powers, though, he kept them to himself in the first film. But still, he seems like the sort of wacky character that Gunn would love to write some telepathic mind-reading dialogue for. He has telekinetic powers in the comics, too, which could be a cool new special effect for this sequel to play with.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.