5. The Concept Was Labelled "Risky" By Marvel Executives
One notion that James Gunn has been keen to relay to fans of Guardians is that his approach to the sequel's story has been labelled "risky" by the head honchos over at Marvel H.Q.. What "risky" means, exactly, is anybody's guess, and could range from anything including a crossover with other MCU characters or a Guardian's death. Or none of those things, because "risky" doesn't say much apart from the fact that the story will probably feature an unexpected beat, scene or plot twist - one that could have a lot of repercussions on future Guardians movies... or on the MCU as a whole. Here's how Gunn tells it, anyway:
"I went in and I sat down with those guys and Im like, Okay, heres what I think the sequel should be. And they were like, Oh, whoa. Thats risky, but okay.'"
The fact that the Marvel executives still approved his concept, despite its inherent riskiness, either says a lot about their faith in Gunn as a writer/director or highlights the fact that is could be a relatively minor thing that has been blown out of proportion. Here's hoping that it's the first one, because what's the point if you're not willing to take risks?