Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: 20 New Details Just Revealed

17. Nebula Is Still A Bad Chick

Guardians 2
Marvel Studios

The Sovereign People initially offer Nebula - who they have imprisoned - as payment for the Guardians beating the Abelisk - as they want to return her to Xandar to be tried for her crimes. Naturally, that doesn't go to plan and she becomes a much bigger part of the film's events than she was in the first.

And while we know she eventually becomes a Guardian, she's still not a good character or a while, even working with Taserface for a good part of the film, as she tries to find herself a new hand and possibly even becomes a Ravager (hence her new costume).

While we'll be enticed to sympathise with her, she's definitely not giving up her moral complexity, as Gunn said:

“I think I’d probably describe it as that you might love to hate her. She definitely doesn’t cross over to the good side completely, because where’s the fun in that? But we will understand, we might feel sorry for, and she might – you know, this hard exterior, we’re gonna chip away at that and we’re gonna see the cracks in her sort of whole façade.”

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.