Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: 20 New Details Just Revealed

16. Taserface's Motivations

Guardians 2
Marvel Studios

After failing to deal with Star-Lord at the end of Guardians Of The Galaxy, a lot has changed for Yondu and he is now the victim of a mutiny, led by Taserface among the Ravagers. The Ravagers are broken up into large factions, with Yondu leading one that wasn't particularly popular with the others.

But the other Ravagers now believe he has gone soft after failing to immediately chase down Quill and kill him, and he ends up having to team up with Groot and Rocket to escape that mutiny. At one point, there'll be a sequence showing the space pirates forcing someone "walk the plank" into space.

You should definitely read into that that Taserface manages to capture the two smallest Guardians (and we do know the team end up being split up).

And as for Yondu's change of look?

"Yeah, there’s a reason. There’s a reason for it. Yes, there’s a reason for the change of fins."

Specifically, it apparently has something to do with the Ravagers' role in the film, but it also nods back to his look in the comics. Intriguing.


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