Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: 20 New Details Just Revealed

15. A Main Character Was Cut

Guardians 2
Marvel Studios

According to James Gunn, another main character was supposed to be involved and was included in the original treatment of the film. Here's what he said:

"I’ll say one major thing that happened during the treatment phase, not even during the script phase, during the treatment phase, there was another character that was a major character. That was a part of the treatment. Although it kind of worked generally in the story, I got to the place where there were to many characters. I think Civil War handles a lot of characters really well, but they’re minor characters, and in this movie every character has their own arc. Their own thing. And I thought it was one character too many, so I took one of the characters out of the story about half way through the treatment phase."

When pressed, Gunn admitted that he loved the character - who was a Guardian - but he wouldn't be drawn on who it was specifically. One thing we do know is that he wasn't "Yondu, Starhawk classic Guardians" era.

Could that link back to the comments he previously made about Nova and how he couldn't fit into the film because he wanted Star-Lord to be the only human for the sequel?


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