Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: 20 New Details Just Revealed

13. "My Sweet Lord" Is On The Soundtrack

Guardians 2
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So far, the teasers have confirmed three songs for the soundtrack: Sweet's "Fox On The Run", Jay And The Americans' "Come A Little Bit Closer" and Fleetwood Mac's "The Chain", but apparently the set visits also revealed that George Harrison's seminal classic "My Sweet Lord" was played as accompaniment to a scene nobody was allowed to watch.

So what else can we expect? James Gunn also spoke about how different the choices have been in building the soundtrack:

"I think that the soundtrack is an evolution from the soundtrack to the first movie. I think the first movie was made for a child that was a couple years younger than the child that this music was made for. So it’s slightly more complex songs. I also think that we have a wider variety of songs. You guys heard, probably, one of the songs today. We have a couple of songs that are enormous songs, which we didn’t have on the first movie. We also have a couple songs that are almost completely unknown, or not very well known at all. So there’s a bigger gamut between the popular and unpopular songs on the second album."

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