Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: 20 New Details Just Revealed

12. The Artistic Inspirations

Guardians 2
Marvel Studios

According to Gunn, the film is definitely going to be more of a pure sci-fi than the first movie, and he's been very keen to push things and get away with a lot more than he could first time out. And that will be seen in the film's aesthetic, which draws from a number of inspirations:

"There’s a conscious return to pulp and getting a greater sense of getting pulp from all areas. But everything from fifties Amazing Stories covers to the sixties stuff that you can see in that ship, it’s very sixties inspired, to a lot of almost Ralph Bakshi inspired, Yes album cover inspired stuff."

And of course, the director is keen for fans to know that they're not going to get what they expect from the sequel:

"I think it’s a departure from the first film. I think one of the things that worked about the first movie was that people went into the movie expecting one thing and they got something that they like more than what they expected. And it was different then what they expected, and I think the second movie is the same thing. I don’t think it’s going to be what anyone expects."

But maybe expect weirdness, which Gunn says Marvel have always appreciated in him.


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