Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: 35 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

18. Stan Lee's Cameos Explained & The Watchers

Marvel The Watchers
Marvel Comics

Stan Lee's cameo in Vol 2 is one of the best in the entire MCU, and basically seems to confirm a long-standing fan theory about how he turns up in every movie.

Here, he appears briefly on a distant moon discussing the time he was a delivery man (in a call-back to his Civil War appearance), confirming that he is indeed the same character seen throughout the MCU and not multiple alternate Stans. He's first seen during the 700 space leaps sequence when Rocket, Yond and Groot race to Ego's planet.

More interestingly, the aliens he's talking to are clearly The Watchers - the super-powerful race who literally watch over the Marvel universe without interfering (though they hardly ever stick to the second part).

In the same sequence, we get a very brief shot of a pair of fighting Kronans too - the same race as Korg, who Taika Waititi is playing in Thor: Ragnarok...

Korg Planet Hulk
Marvel Comics

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