Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: 35 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

19. Peter's "Cool Sh*t"

Pac Man

When Ego reveals that Star-Lord has more powers than he was aware - and explains exactly why he was able to hold an Infinity Stone in his bare hands in the first movie - he teaches him about the limits of their projection powers.

Peter being Peter, his immediate response is to go straight back to several 80s reference points: his powerful manifesto would see him using his powers to create Pac-Man, Skeletor and Heather Locklear. He has some interesting priorities.

There's also a moment in that exchange that sees Ego literally fill Star-Lord's eyes with stars to show him the limits of the galaxy: his response is to whisper "Eternity" in awe, which definitely feels like a nod to the all-powerful personification of the Marvel Universe, whose look probably inspired the change in Peter's eyes...

Marvel Eternity
Marvel Comics

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