Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: 35 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

15. Mary Poppins & The Smurfs

Mary Poppins Returns

When the ship that has carried the Guardians down into the inner chambers of Ego is destroyed, it almost looks like Peter Quill and Yondu have been killed, but it turns out they escaped at the very last minute, flying out using a jetpack (Pete) and the Yaka Arrow (Yondu).

As they descend to the inner surface, Peter remarks that Yondu looks just like Mary Poppins, to which Yondu asks if he's a "cool guy" before crowing "I'm Mary Poppins y'all" when Peter affirms it.

Also, of all of the dumb criticisms and pet names used in the film, Star-Lord calling Nebula Smurfette is one of the silliest (and one of the laziest, since she's blue), and it pretty much means nothing to the daughter of Thanos.

But it's a nice call-back to the fact that Peter is so stuck in a past that nobody else has any awareness of, reinforcing the fact that he is totally a man out of time.

There's another slightly weird reference - which could well be unintentional - when Mantis says that Baby Groot is so cute she's going to die, which very much feels like a reference to this Despicable Me scene...


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