Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: 35 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

14. Peter's Grandfather

Guardians Of The Galaxy Grandfather Quill
Marvel Studios

When Ego "turns on" his seedling pods on the planets he's marked out to take over, the one he left in Missouri starts to envelope some Peter Quill's home-town streets, and it narrowly avoids crushing a car as he's killed and his powers are stopped.

If you look closely, you'll see that the car is carrying Peter Quill's grandfather, played by Gregg Henry here and in the first movie.

In the same scene, we briefly see an old couple who ask what the hell the giant blob that was eating the planet is. They're Jim Gunn Sr. and Leotta Gunn, parents of James and Sean Gunn, making this a real family affair.


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