Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

1. Yondu

Yondu Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2
Marvel Studios

Who would have thought that the most impressive character in Vol 2 would be the Ravager pirate villain of the first movie? You could have predicted that he'd reveal himself to be Peter's "real" father in one way or another, but his journey to that point is thoughtful and sympathetic and Michael Rooker's rugged charm is in full flow.

Thanks to the foundation of likability he built in the first movie, the Ravager betrayal really sells (and so does him being forced to watch his crew being murdered) and the second Yaka Arrow sequence here is the crowning moment of his part in the film. He's a legitimate bad-ass at that point and his death has robbed us of a character who had just started to get more interesting.

He also scores added points for being the star of the most emotionally devastating part of the entire MCU to date. That exchange he shares with Star-Lord before he freezes is phenomenally affecting.

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