Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

2. Baby Groot

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Baby Groot
Marvel Studios

From the minute Baby Groot was revealed, you would have put your house on him being one of the most memorable parts of Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2, and you could have been forgiven for expecting James Gunn to double-down on the character (Minions style).

The best thing about the little guy - aside from the genius opening sequence - is that he's not over-used and that he's not at the centre of all of the best set-pieces. That might have been particularly tempting too, given how bloody adorable he is, and Gunn deserves credit for that restraint.

Particular highlights come in the Abilisk dance-off and the hilarious fetch sequence, but the true measure of the character comes at the end when Yondu dies and the little guy sheds a single tear. At that point, it's impossible to remember that he's just a CGI twig with limbs.

As an added bonus, the post-credits reveal of teenage Groot is just the icing on the cake. Shame we won't get to see more of him.


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