Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Final Trailer Breakdown: 28 Things You Must See
7. Back To Ayesha's Palace

This little flash of the new Guardians team - minus Star-Lord, Yondu and the little guys by the look of it (because the first one's locked up with the last two by Ayesha and the middle one is dead, I'd wager) - shows them presumably returning to Ayesha's palace. You'd have to suspect that this comes right at the end of the film, as they take the fight back to her.
And how do we know where they are? Well, the door that's seen for the briefest of moments...

Interestingly, that sky looks pretty ominous. Is the planet under threat because Ayesha is? That'd be a very sci-fi way of approaching the being's relationship with her perfect planet.