Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: Predicting Who Lives & Who Dies

12. Gamora

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Gamora Derp
Marvel Studios

Fate: Lives


There's just no way Marvel would kill her off with the arrival of her "father" coming in the Infinity Saga. It simply wouldn't serve any satisfying dramatic purpose that would outdo what could happen when she comes face to face with Thanos again.

Particularly if she does so alongside Nebula for added impact. They both have major issues to work through with Thanos, and it would be particularly fitting if either or both had a major part in his demise. Poetically, it might actually make more sense for one of them to die while doing that, but that's further down the line, of course.

She's bullet-proof, in other words, even with her burgeoning romance with Star-Lord striking all sorts of Dead Meat radar indicators.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.