Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

1. Stan Lee Is Omnipotent?! (And The Watchers Exist)

Stan Lee Yoga Hosers
Invincible Pictures

The most interesting development of the Guardians Vol 2 finale sees a hint that Stan Lee is actually one of The Watchers - or at least their Informant (as he's billed in some places) - the race of superbeings who vow to observe the universe and not interfere. They always interfere, actually.

It would make sense that Lee would be Uata the Watcher, who was assigned to watch over Earth and its solar system, but that is complicated somewhat by the post-credits revelation that he is stranded on the planetoid he is first seen with the other nameless Watchers. If he was a Watcher, surely he'd be able to get himself out of there pretty easily?

There's also a chance that he's the One-Above-All, explaining his multi-presence, but again that wouldn't quite fit with him not being able to get home. So maybe it's best just to imagine it as a gag suggesting he's his own mysterious powerful entity the Watchers have noticed appears everywhere, and he's being interrogated as a potential threat?

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