Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

2. Groot's A Surly Teenager Now (But Not For Long)

Angry Groot Guardians Of The Galaxy
Marvel Studios

The second last mid-credits scene sees the revelation that Baby Groot is no more, despite definitely being the most beloved comic book movie character of this year. By the end of the film, he's a surly teenager, clashing with Peter (who seems to have taken over as his "father" ironically) and confining himself grumpily to his quarters.

But if you're looking forward to more emo Groot, dragging his feet and smelling like BO in Infinity War, it's unlikely it's going to happen. He's a teenager in 2014 in the MCU timeline, so by the time the Guardians catch up to 2018 and Infinity War, he's going to be fully grown again.

That's a pretty brave move, given how much merch money Groot will already be pulling in, but it makes sense, since a full-sized Groot will be far more useful in a war with Thanos.

As an added advantage, ageing him also guarantees that we aren't going to get Minions Syndrome, where the next film concentrates on Baby Groot so much that he becomes insufferable, so we should really be thankful.


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