Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

12. Peter Has No Father Again

Yondu Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2
Marvel Studios

Yondu's death might be utterly devastating, but him and Ego both being taken out of the picture essentially restores the natural order of things for the Guardians, and for Star-Lord in particular.

The key thing for these characters is that they probably aren't going to get long-term happy endings. They might get resolutions to their arcs, but they're not going to get the white picket fence retirement idyll because they're fundamentally way more interesting as broken toys.

So Peter learning that he had a real father and a real daddy but then having them both taken away from him allows him some closure on one mysterious chapter, but we don't now have to see him playing any more catch, or the dilution of the barbed dynamic he shared with Yondu that was so delightful.


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