Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

9. Star-Lord Might Still Have SOME Powers

Guardians Of The Galaxy Lee Pace Ronan Star Lord Chris Pratt
Marvel Studios

Peter's powers are a difficult thing to pick apart, but we do know now that he's a half-Celestial, which has to still mean he's profoundly powerful in ways that we can't possibly conceive of yet.

He did temporarily show off some powers similar to Ego's, suggesting he could have followed closely in his footsteps, but on the death of his father, those were wiped out with their source. But genetics still have to count for something, and when you consider that Star-Lord showed immeasurable power in the first film without proximity to "the light within", there's a hint that he's still special.

As a part-Celestial, Peter will still be powerful enough to hold an Infinity Stone bare-handed, and it wouldn't be surprising if the imprint of the Power Stone was still within him. Perhaps it would be prudent to expect them to come back into play in Infinity War.


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