Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

6. The Original Guardians Are Back Together

Guardians 3000 Team
Marvel Comics

The third post-credits scene confirms that Sylvester Stallone's Starhawk has put together a new iteration of his old team (which used to also feature Yondu), with his sister Aleta, Charlie-27, Mainframe, Martinex and alien sorceror Krugarr (who replaced Doctor Strange as the Sorceror Supreme at one point).

They're obviously not actual Guardians of the Galaxy, since Stakar announces a new manifesto to "go and steal stuff", but it's good to have a potential hint that we could see them again in the future. I'd certainly watch a film uniting them as an anti-hero team.

So could they be the focus of Guardians of The Galaxy Vol 4? Or a spin-off in their own right? Anything is possible if Vol 2 makes as much money as it deserves to.


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