That Guy From That Movie: 10 Unsung Character Actors

10. William Sadler

William Sadler William Sadler received his big-screen breakthrough in 1990 thanks to the action genre, first as the villain (and recipient of one of the most awful lines of dialogue in history) in Steven Seagal vehicle Hard to Kill, then as a rogue Colonel in blockbuster sequel Die Hard 2. Although his cold blue eyes and angular features would make it easy to typecast him as a bad guy, Sadler has refused to be pigeonholed. After his villainous double whammy, the next year Sadler mixed it up to play the Grim Reaper in comedy sequel Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey. A pivotal supporting role in The Shawshank Redemption marked the first of three collaborations with Frank Darabont, with the two working together on The Green Mile and The Mist. More prolific on the small screen than the multiplex these days, the actor has been working solidly and has almost 150 credits to his name. In recent years, Sadler has appeared in Eagle Eye, Man on a Ledge and Machete Kills and plays the onscreen President of the United States in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thanks to his role in Iron Man 3. It remains to be seen whether this becomes a recurring role in the MCU, although his character has been referenced since.

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