Guy Ritchie: Ranking His Movies From Worst To Best

7. Revolver (2005)

The terrible critical reception and general hatred directed towards Swept Away knocked Guy Ritchie for six... well, for three, actually. Three years, that is. When he finally emerged again, it was with Revolver - a sort of half-assed apology film; Ritchie's way of saying: "Hey, guys: sorry about Swept Away. I don't know what I was thinking back there. But you liked Lock, Stock and Snatch, didn't you? Yes, and look - here's something sort of like those films. The ones you loved before Swept Away." Whilst Swept Away is bad movie that looks and feels nothing like Guy Ritchie had a hand in making it, Revolver is a bad film that has Guy Ritchie's stamp written all over it. It's so over-thought and unnecessarily complicated that it is made entirely dull from start to finish, and don't even get us started on Jason Statham's terrible, laughable wig (God, why?). To try and explain the plot - which features Statham's protagonist being released from jail and winning big in a casino - is akin to an exercise in futility, because Revolver doesn't have a plot; the film is essentially composed of scenes that think they're being really clever, but really aren't. By the end, you're seriously wondering why it took Ritchie so long to make a comeback if this was all he came up with; it's his worst traits emphasised to the max.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.