Halloween 2: 7 Big News Revelations About The Upcoming Sequel
6. McBride And Green Are On-Board

The unlikely writing team (along with their writing partner, Jeff Fradley) segued excellently from making Apatow-produced comedies to delivering the best Halloween script in decades. So the news that they will be returning is great.
However, it does come with a bit of a catch. Rather than returning to scripting duties, the duo is merely going to be receiving a producer's credit on the upcoming sequel.
Nonetheless, having them on-board in any capacity is noteworthy. As evidenced by their script and subsequent film, these guys know the franchise and its legacy inside and out, so count on them to continue to be a powerful asset for the film.
This is a great show of faith by all parties involved. Considering that aside from John Carpenter himself, only one other director in the franchise's history has ever received a credit of any sort on more than one film, its clear that Blumhouse, McBride, and Green are all keen on working together again in one way or another.