Halloween Ends Review: 5 Ups & 5 Downs

4. It's Going To Piss A LOT Of Fans Off

Halloween Ends Laurie Corey

From beginning to end, there's no denying that Ends is going to make a lot of fans angry, and it goes beyond simply Laurie and Michael's limited screen time.

Ultimately Ends isn't really the movie that the marketing has been selling: the focus is trained far more intently on Corey, whose arc throughout the story won't be spoiled here.

Despite the promise of Corey as a character, many fans will quite reasonably feel that the finale should remain centred around Michael and Laurie.

Furthermore, the film's general presentation of Michael will irritate many - counter to his basically superhuman depiction in Kills, here he's a broken down, withered husk of his former self, who has spent four years holed up in a sewer like a wounded animal.

And even when Michael gets back to slaughtering Haddonfield's residents, he feels considerably nerfed compared to before, which runs counter to the notion raised in Kills that he transcends the more that he kills.

It's clear that Green went out of his way to make a unique, singular film that would divide fans, but even open-minded viewers may be left frustrated by the uneven stew he's cooked up.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.