Halloween Ends Review: 5 Ups & 5 Downs
3. The Brutal Pacing
At 111 minutes, Halloween Ends is the longest of all 13 Halloween movies to date - beating out Rob Zombie's remake by a single minute - and you certainly feel that length by film's end.
The pacing of this movie is just all over the place: the first act has patient promise, the second feels like wheel-spinning filler, and the third is more of a sprint to the finish.
It's baffling that Green lets some of the most tedious moments in the movie breathe far longer than they need while glossing over aspects that require more attention to persuade the audience.
As a result, it's a bit of a slog reaching the finale, and it's tough not to feel like Kills and Ends could've been condensed into a single movie comprised of their better elements.