Han Solo Movie: Everything You Need To Know

7. Inspiration Is Coming From Unlikely Places

Young Han Solo

“This moves closer to a heist or Western type feel,” Lucasfilm overseer Kathleen Kennedy told Variety last year, teasing that the Han Solo movie won't copy the space opera stylings of the previous Star Wars films. Those inspirations suggest that Han will be ensconced in criminal schemes, battling local-level baddies and facing off with the frontier in this spinoff adventure, rather than fighting galaxy-saving space battles.

Kennedy also teased that they've "talked about [Frederic] Remington and those primary colours that are used in his paintings", in the hope that this 19th century illustrator's work will define "the look and feel of the film.” A quick Google search reveals that Remington was obsessed with stark landscapes, horses galloping and men on missions - the iconography of the western, in eye-catching technicolour.

So it sounds like the Han Solo movie will have a look and feel that's very far away from what the Star Wars universe has offered before. Of course, the Tatooine scenes have always had a western-y feel to them, but this could be the first Star Wars movie to take that idea and really run with it. Perhaps Han will get involved in a brutal shootout to round things off?

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Han Solo
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Film & TV journo. Quite tall.