Happy Death Day: How Many Times Does Tree Die?

Stage 3: Complications

Happy Death Day Jessica Rothe

On the start of her eighth day, Tree passes out and winds up in the hospital, where she finds out that her body is retaining lesions and scar tissue from her previous deaths.

Effectively this places a low ceiling on Tree's potential to spend countless years in the loop as Bill Murray did in Groundhog Day, making it clear that there's no need to add on filler days where Tree did nothing, due to the urgency of her fast-declining health.

After learning of her added condition, Tree is attacked at the hospital by the killer, and though she thinks she's safe after getting herself arrested, the killer takes care of the cop and then blows up the cop car with her inside.

On her ninth day, Tree repeats her story to Carter, and though he again suggests she has unlimited chances to find her killer, her medical diagnosis makes it clear that's not the case at all.

Tree tells him, "Maybe I'm like that cat with nine lives", a line that's especially interesting considering this is in fact Tree's ninth on-screen day. It surely wasn't an accident to include that line on this day, which seems to confirm that, yes, Tree is up to 8 deaths at this point in the film.

That night, Tree returns to the hospital and faces off against serial killer John Tombs, who kills Carter, prompting her to hang herself from the university bell tower, bringing her total to 9 deaths as we enter act three.

Thankfully for her, though, she's got a little more than 9 lives...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.