Harold Ramis RIP: His 10 Most Memorable Films

8. As Good As It Gets (1997)

Again, not a big role for Ramis but a smaller role in a very successful film that would have been worse for his absence. In a film starring Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt and Greg Kinnear it would be hard for any actor to get a spot in the lime-light, but Ramis takes on his role admirably as a private doctor employed to look after Hunt's sick boy. He brings an element of humility to his part, humble and warm - a man who's capable of brightening up someone's day by simply doing his job. Although his character has limited screen-time, As Good As It Gets benefits from his inclusion, supporting the film with a down-played performance that allows the top-billed stars to shine. Like his role in Knocked Up, Ramis plays a key part of the furniture - a seemingly incidental character whose insignificant screen time hides the fact of his importance to the plot, and it is characters like that who require an actor who is both generous enough to allow other people the limelight (he was a writer after all) and who are instantly charismatic and recognisable enough to build affection immediately, without distracting.

I love all things imaginative, from the page to the screen, and nurture a soft spot for Donald Sutherland and Daniel Bryan.