Harry Potter: 10 Best Characters Introduced After The Philosopher's Stone

7. Alastor 'Mad Eye' Moody

Bellatrix Lestrange Wand
Warner Bros.

It seems Cedric Diggory wasn't the only new addition Goblet of Fire brought to the table.

The fourth movie in the series helped to kick off the big narrative of the franchise, with the return of Voldemort and the humble beginnings of the second wizarding wars. So, it's safe to say you needed to do a lot to get noticed in it, and this guy certainly did.

His fantastic design - featuring the classic "mad eye" - was instantly memorable, as it reflected his mysterious past as an Auror and the sacrifices he made in the original wizarding wars.

Now, seeing as he was introduced as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, you knew there was something wrong, and that became clear once you discovered that the Alastor Moody we'd met wasn't Moody at all, but instead Barty Crouch Jr in disguise.

Although Crouch was also a good pick for this list, he missed out because Moody's epic aesthetic and importance to the plot going forward often made you forget that your first meeting with him wasn't entirely real.

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