Harry Potter: 10 Characters (That Weren't Ron) Hermione Should Have Ended Up With

1. Neville Longbottom

Harry Potter Neville And Hermione
Warner Bros. Pictures

Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom had a bond that developed from the very beginning. It all started on the first train ride to Hogwarts when poor nerdy Neville lost his toad, Trevor. Hermione being Hermione made a point of helping him find his beloved pet which also first introduced us to both Hermione and Neville's love of animals.

This was also made apparent when Hermione pleaded with Mad-Eye Moody (actually Barty Crouch Jr.) to stop harming a spider. The incident clearly bothered Neville who looked away in horror which led Hermione to step in and help. Due to shared interests and a love of vulnerable creatures Hermione and Neville would probably make a sweet couple so it's a shame we didn't get to see that pan out a bit more.

Neville was an interesting character in that he started off in exactly the same boat as Harry Potter. Both his parents were mercifully killed by Voldermort and he ended up an orphan just like Harry. They were both the boys who lived when you really think about it...

Unfortunately, Neville just didn't have the cajones to back it up (until the end that is). This probably didn't do it for Hermione although Ron wasn't all that brave either...

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