Harry Potter: 10 Characters (That Weren't Ron) Hermione Should Have Ended Up With

4. Fleur Delacour

Harry Potter Neville And Hermione
Warner Bros.

Fleur Delacour is a triple threat. She's intelligent, she's powerful, and she's absolutely gorgeous.

In some ways, Hermione Granger is just the same although Hermione lacks one important thing, confidence. This is why Fleur and Hermione would make the perfect couple. Fleur can give Hermione that much-needed self-belief and Hermione can bring Fleur down a peg or two because we all know Fleur can be a little full of herself.

It's funny because, in the books, Hermione didn't take too kindly to Fleur. She viewed her as stuck up and conceited. When Fleur started dating Bill Weasley it made Hermione hate her even more. Many believed this was Hermione's way of letting the readers know that she secretly had the hots for Bill. But what if it wasn't Bill? What if it was Fleur instead?

Think about it? Most people protest their hatred for those that they crush on. It is the oldest trick in the book after all. Maybe Hermione was also head over heals in love with Fleur just like the rest of us.

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