Harry Potter: 10 Characters (That Weren't Ron) Hermione Should Have Ended Up With

3. Draco Malfoy

Harry Potter Neville And Hermione
Warner Brothers

Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy might be complete opposites but that is exactly what makes them a great couple and why they would work in a romantic relationship.

Throughout the Harry Potter franchise, Draco was horrific to Hermione. He hated that she was Muggle-born and often racially insulted her as a result. Yeah, Draco was an idiot, but if you consider how he was raised then you can maybe understand where all that hatred came from. His father was Lucius Malfoy for goodness sake.

Right from the very beginning, fans shipped the unlikely pair. The hatred between them only sparked more interest and before long the two became the subject of hardcore fan fiction. Plus, It didn't help that Emma Watson (Hermione) and Tom Felton (Draco) were BFFs in real life.

It's not actually that farfetched that Hermione and Draco would make a great pairing. They are both smart, loyal and they represent two people from very different sides of the tracks. Now that's a great love story if you ever saw one.

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