Harry Potter: 10 Dumbest Things Voldemort Did

1. The Needlessly Complex TriWizard Plot

triwizard cup goblet of fire harry potter
Warner Bros.

And finally, again, everything comes back to over-complication. The whole point of the plot of Goblet Of Fire is for Voldemort and his followers to be able to pull off the necessary magic to restore Voldemort to a living, adult body by using his father's bones, Wormtail's flesh and his enemy's blood. For the ONLY way to achieve this to be sending Barty Crouch Jr into Hogwarts in disguise in order to infiltrate the TriWizard Tournament and influence it in such a way that Harry won is like developing the Hadron Collider to tell the time. It might work, but there are WAY simpler ways.

Rather than Crouch having to rely on so many moving parts and having to allow for massive potential human errors and the whims of his pawns, he could have simply taken some of Harry's blood as he slept, using conventional methods. Hell, Harry trusted him so much at that point that he could have asked him for it and he would probably have handed some over. Instead, the plot relies on ridiculous contrivances and it should never have got anywhere near working.

And then, as a final insult to everyone's intelligence - but especially Voldemort's, who remember orchestrated the ENTIRE thing - the TriWizard Trophy is turned into a special portkey that somehow transports Harry back to safety. That not only breaks the rules of magic, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Why did Voldemort allow a built-in escape route?

It's like he WANTED to fail.

What other dumb moments from the Dark Lord belong on this list? Share your suggestions below in the comments thread.

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