Harry Potter: 10 Dumbest Things Voldemort Did

2. Taking Nagini Into Battle

Nagini Snake
Warner Bros.

Voldemort's care for his Horcruxes obviously leaves a lot to be desired. Sure, the cave set-up seems impenetrable (though not if you see his blindspot), the Gaunt shack is well protected and a Gringotts vault is pretty difficult to break into too, but leaving one in the Room Of Requirement was silly and handing one over to Ginny (by way of Lucius, suggesting it can't have been that well hidden in the first place) stupid.

And continuing on the half good, half idiotic model, Voldemort keeping Nagini as an active combatant when he knows she is his only Horcrux (other than Harry, but he doesn't know that, obviously) is again asking for trouble. Voldemort is arrogant so he probably doesn't believe kids can kill the beast, but by now he's been halted by Harry and his friends more than once and he himself was a brilliant child. Why he thought opening Nagini to danger was ever a smart idea is beyond reason.

She should have been sent somewhere nobody could ever possibly hope to have found her, behind even greater magical protections than the locket and the ring.

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Harry Potter
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