Harry Potter: 10 Evil Acts Committed By Gryffindors

1. Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail) – Became A Death Eater And Betrayed His Friends

Harry Potter Sectum Sempra Malfoy
Warner Bros.

Wormtail was the worst student who was ever sorted into Gryffindor. Why the Sorting Hat thought this noble house was the right place for such a wicked and cowardly individual will always remain a mystery.

Aside from the fact he was one of the four Marauders, not much is known about Wormtail’s school years. After he graduated, however, he betrayed Lily and James’s location to Voldemort which resulted in their deaths. He then faked his own death by blowing up a street full of muggles before transforming into a rat and scuttering down into the sewers. To make matters worse, Sirius Black was wrongly blamed for this crime and suffered in prison for twelve years.

After evading capture in The Prisoner of Azkaban, Wormtail found Voldemort in Albania and helped to bring him back to full strength by working alongside Barty Crouch Junior. He even severed part of his own body in order to resurrect his weakened master.

Though his influence in the Second Wizarding War was minimal, Wormtail still played a vital role in the series. If it wasn’t for his villainy, Voldemort might never have returned to full strength.

Which acts by Gryffindors do you think were the most evil? Leave your thoughts below in the comments thread.

Harry Potter Book Quiz: Which Chapter Did These Characters Die In?

Severus Snape Death
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1. Voldemort

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