Harry Potter: 10 Most Hated Characters

6. Lucius Malfoy

Dolores Umbridge Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

The reason Draco is who he is, Lucius is a strong contender for worst parent in the series. Lucius didn't want Draco to attend Hogwarts in the first place, preferring the Durmstrang, a pure-blood obsessed dark arts school in Northern Europe. It was only thanks to Draco's mother that he didn't end up there.

In fact, one could argue that Narcissa Malfoy is the only source of Draco's good side - because it's certainly not from his father. For starters, Lucius is one of Voldemort's death eaters, and he participates on the wrong side in both Wizarding Wars.

His actions lead to the opening of the Chamber of Secrets, and acts of terror at the Quidditch World Cup. It is when Voldemort returns, however, that we see how evil Lucius really is. Which leads us to the next on the list...


An all round nerd from North Wales.