Harry Potter: 10 Most Hated Characters

4. Bellatrix Lestrange

Dolores Umbridge Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

An unhinged sociopath who gets off on others' pain. What's not to hate? You could call her the Lady Macbeth of the story due to her ruthlessness, thirst for power, and, well, the way she eggs the Dark lord on.

What truly gravitates hate towards her, however, is her death count. Not only has she murdered countless people, but she's offed some of the most beloved characters. Such as (SPOILER ALERT) Dobby, Tonks, and Sirius - Harry's last family member in the wizarding world. And let's not forget the fact that she tortured Neville's parents to the point of insanity.

One of her lowest moments is in The Deathly Hallows, when she brutally tortures Hermione in the same way. Being a member of the "Sacred Twenty-Eight" pure blood families, her obsession with purity is on the same level as Voldemort himself.


An all round nerd from North Wales.