Harry Potter: 10 Of The Best Movie Tracks

1. Neville's Waltz - Patrick Doyle


For me this track just sums up Harry Potter. It plays at the exact middle point of the Harry Potter story, about 3 and a half years after Harry receives his letter and it seems to represent a change in the characters. Whilst this track plays they turn from children into teenagers.

Harry Potter is a hero's tale told as our hero comes of age. Puberty and romance are as central to Harry's development as getting his name pulled from the Goblet of Fire and learning to lead his peers in battle. This track and the scene it plays to bring to the screen the first awkward steps into the rocky world of love as Professor Mcgonagall begins to teach them how to dance in time for the Yule Ball. We see the awkwardness of courting and most importantly the scene where Neville is dancing alone in his dormitory.

Neville, the most awkward, hopeless character turns out to be the biggest romantic. The most sensitive, bad-ass and bold. He was never chosen for greatness but this scene sets him on his way to achieving it. Harry Potter means so much to so many people, not because of the conflict, the good versus evil but the true to life story of growing up. This scene, this track encompass all of that. This track is Harry Potter.

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Whilst not writing articles for WhatCulture! Stephen can usually be found livin' it up in the city or livin' it down on the couch in front of one of many DVDs. You can tell how many of his friends are in Edinburgh at any given time by measuring how prolific he is on this site.