Harry Potter: 10 Of The Best Movie Tracks

2. A Window to the Past - John Williams

AWindowtothePast A lone flute plays this melody to start with. Simple, tragic and beautiful it starts the melody off on its own and I think that here, almost accidentally the perfect theme for Harry himself is born. It plays a mournful ode to the tragedies of the past, a past that in 'Prisoner of Azkaban' has truly returned to Hogwarts with James Potter€™s old school friends Lupin and Black. The tune remains entirely relevant to the film its in despite, as I feel representing Harry as a whole. That lonely flute is later joined by more instruments in a beautiful yet hopeful lament just as lonely little boy Harry is joined in life by a new family and friends. The ever present harp plucking away almost heartbeat like is reminiscent of his true soul-mate Ron, ever by his side, supporting but not outshining him. A short burst of the iconic Hedwig€™s Theme also makes itself heard which is a cherry on top of an almost perfect track that makes you thoroughly sorry when it ends.
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Whilst not writing articles for WhatCulture! Stephen can usually be found livin' it up in the city or livin' it down on the couch in front of one of many DVDs. You can tell how many of his friends are in Edinburgh at any given time by measuring how prolific he is on this site.