Harry Potter: 10 Of The Best Movie Tracks

6. Gilderoy Lockhart - John Williams

AGilderoy Lockhart I don€™t know about the rest of the world but for me the best thing about Chamber of Secrets was the obnoxiously flamboyant Kenneth Brannagh as the equally obnoxious Gilderoy Lockhart. His theme tune, though not directly hummable to the casual soundtrack-fan is as equally entertaining as the old fraud himself€ Sorry Ken, we know you try hard. A jaunty little ditty, this never fails to bring a sly little smile to the face. It simply makes the listener swagger along the road with a sway akin to that of the track€™s namesake. It, despite its seemingly vacant melody still uses a dramatic minor key that hints to a possibly less innocent core to the man who would eventually try to leave a small girl to die whilst wiping the memories of two twelve year old boys.
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Whilst not writing articles for WhatCulture! Stephen can usually be found livin' it up in the city or livin' it down on the couch in front of one of many DVDs. You can tell how many of his friends are in Edinburgh at any given time by measuring how prolific he is on this site.