Harry Potter: 10 Weird Rules A Student At Hogwarts Must Follow
9. You Cannot Be Late (Even Though The Staircases Move)

Getting to lessons on time can be tricky, but it's made far more challenging if the path to your classroom changes at a whim, leaving you constantly needing to think on your feet and forge a new path.
Surely the professors can be a little lenient to students who haven't got a handle on the moving stairs yet? Well, no, that doesn't seem to be the case, as lateness is still punished, regardless of the architecture.
Thankfully, most students seem to get used to the stairs rather quickly, but it must be quite stressful for those initial weeks to manage your schedule and the spontaneous desires of these thoughtless steps.
It's a catch twenty-two, as the academic faculty can't let tardy behaviour slide. If the stairs were used as a justification for lateness by the staff, you'd imagine it wouldn't take long for the lazier students to catch onto the excuse and use it to their advantage.
Still, it seems unfair for the newer pupils who haven't gotten used to the building's eccentricities to be punished for something that they cannot control.